Hi, I'm back and, as I promised, we'll start with the theories today! So, let's get right into it, shall we?

Ever heard of a somewhat balance of the universe? If not, let me explain what I mean by it.

Didn't you, at some time in life, felt like everything was going great, and then, poof, everything started going down? Eh, this is the thing I want to talk about today, think as hard as you can and you will find relevance in this "theory". I believe there needs to be a balance in everyone's life, and not only at the minimal plan(us people) but also in the major one, in the universe itself. Life can't be always "good", there needs to be something that comes up and makes the "good" things equalize themselves with the "bad" ones, there it is, the universe at its finest, as I call it, you may call it God, anyway, there is something there that, maybe we don't understand "it", but this "it" knows what's best and what's not, knows how to make the things balance themselves, and knows the repercusions if "it" would let everything go always fine or always bad. 

So, in the big scheme of things there needs to be a balance, if you see everything going wrong, wait and you will see, the universe will make its thing and you will be up and back on track with the nice life you want to have.

Also, about this balance, us, people, don't get why this is happening, I know, but as we already know in the end everything will be alright, why would we stress ourselves to think "why me?", "why now?", etc. Let's get the fullest out of our lives, meditate, take cold showers, work out, and you will see those bad moments, as long as they will last, will be unremarkable at some point and then , poof, the good things start appearing and you can enjoy those moments, because who knows how much time they will last until it goes back to being a little worse of a time.

Hope you enjoyed today's "theory"! Remember, this theories are things I thinked and came up with after some years of learning about psichology and other things related to this branch, you don't have to take it for good, I'm just experiencing my knowledge and ideeas with you! Have a nice one and tomorrow I will be back with something else, maybe more interesting for some of you, who knows! 

(sorry for the bad exprimation and relatation ahaha, promise I'll get better, it's kinda hard to put all I have in mind in this blog without going off track ahaha)


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