Hi, so, today I decided to get into this blogging stuff and as time goes share with you some theories I believe in, as I call them "universal theories". 

First of all, I will present myself.

I am a college student who has been in psichology and this stuff for years, as I had problems of my own with some treatment and I kinda learnt a lot from this experiences, as I had them at a pretty young age . I have some important stuff that helped me get through all this, who knows in another blog I might talk more about this, we will see. One say is, all things, good and bad, have some importance in your life, in your "character development", in your "ego development" and such. And the other one I have is "the universe knows", as I believe we have free will, don't get me wrong, but I also believe in the grand scheme of things there are some we cannot avoid, even if we took the "other path" some believe would've been better. And for the finale to get you to know me a little more, I am at management and after I finish it I will get into the psichology one too, because I like and want to help people, to share what I learnt with other!

I'm kinda new to this so don't judge my exprimation!! I'll get better in time haha. Have a good one and see ya next day, we'll get right into the theories. 


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