Hi, today we are back with another theory. We will talk about the Big Bang Theory. No further introductions, let's get right into it!

 The Big Bang Theory is an explanation, based mostly on mathematical models, on how and when the Universe came into existence.

The cosmological model of the Universe described in the Big Bang theory explains how it initially expanded from a state of infinite density and temperature, known as the primordial (or gravitational) singularity. This expansion was followed by cosmic inflation and a massive temperature drop. During this phase, the Universe ballooned at a much faster rate than the speed of light.

Subsequently, the Universe was reheated to a point where elementary particles (quarks, leptons, and so on) before a gradual decrease in temperature (and density) led to the formation of the first protons and neutrons.

A few minutes into the expansion, protons, and neutrons combine to form primordial hydrogen and helium-4 nuclei. The estimated radius of the observable Universe, during this phase, was 300 light-years. The earliest stars and galaxies appeared about 400 million years after the event.

A crucial piece of the Big Bang model is the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which is the electromagnetic radiation left from the time when the Universe was in its infancy. CMB remains the most definitive proof of the Big Bang.

While the theory remains widely accepted across the scientific spectrum, a few alternative explanations - such as steady-state Universe and eternal inflation, have gain attraction over the years.

    This was it for today, hope you enjoyed it!

(if you liked this one, check the other ones, too!)    


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