Hi, today we are gonna explore another interesting "universe" theory. No further and boring introductions, let's get right into it!

• The braneworld is a theory in which the four space-time dimensions of the universe that are apparent make up a surface, called the brane, in a higher-dimensional space-time, called the bulk. One of the appealing features of the brane world is that it can explain why gravity is much weaker than the other forces, with the nongravitational forces being localized to the brane and the gravitational force not limited to the brane. •

• In fact, the idea of brane world allows you to consider the possibility of escaping our universe and traveling to a different universe on another brane! •

• Ever since the inception of string theory, one of the major conceptual hurdles has been the addition of extra dimensions. With the introduction of all of these new objects, string theorists have begun exploring what they mean. One major step is the introduction of brane world scenarios, where our 3-dimensional universe is actually a 3-brane. •

So, this was it for today, if you liked it don't forget to check the other ones, too! See ya soon!


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