Hi, today we are gonna talk about the egg theory, the theory which sustains the whole universe is something similar to an egg. Why you may ask? Let's see:

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• So, this theory consists in the reincarnation of one's self. There is a God which created this universe. You may see this God in any form, most likely depending on your "imagination". It sustains the fact that, after you die, you just "add" that life's experience and memories in yourself, and then you are reborn. The interesting fact is that you can be reborn in a different timeline than the last one, maybe in the future, or maybe even in the past. This past timeline will be important in the explication, so keep it in your mind. For now, let's see, why don't we take the past lives' memories and experiences, you may ask. So, the theory sustains that after you die, if you stay in that void, that place that you go in after you die, you will eventually remember everything, but all is in vain, because after you're reborn, you loose all the past memories and experiences and just start a new life. The fact is, each reincarnation has a bit of you in it, but because of the human's anatomy(mostly mind) we cannot go in the next life with all those past memories and experiences, and we cannot stretch out our immense consciousness, so the single moment when we have all of those combined is when we are in that void(after we die). •

• So, because of that "random" timeline you can be reincarnated in, you may ask yourself, could have I even seen myself sometime in this life? Yes, indeed, you always see yourself, the theory says that the entity, which we call God, created that universe for you, only you, or for me, or for him, etc. Why am I saying for only one of us is because this is the theory's idea, we are one and only, you are me, I am you, I am him, etc. The fact is that time, as we know it, exists because our universe's physics rules, in that universe where this God exists, there are more of him, which are like a whole family. We are this God's child, you see, he was just like us, and another God created him, and that God was the same and etc. That God is said to have made our universe for us to evolve and in the future become a "God" ourselves. •

• This is exactly why this theory is named "The egg theory". Because our universe is like an egg in which we grow and evolve, the population evolves with every second that passes by, in all aspects, that population being all you, or me, etc. We live to evolve and then sometime in the future when we are out of lives to live, we will become a God, just like the one that created our universe. •

• You are every human being who ever lived, who lives and who will ever live. You can say that you lived every moment in the history of time, you felt any emotion that was felt, etc. Everytime someone victimized another human being, they victimized themselves. Everytime someone was killed, he/she was killed by himself, and so on. •

This is my explanation of this theory, tried to make it as understandable as I could. 

Hope you enjoyed it, have a great one!


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