THE MULTIVERSE (explanation, etc.)

 Hi, I'm back and, today, we are gonna talk about a pretty known concept(theory). The concept of the multiverse. No further introduction, let's get right into it!

    So, even if you know about it, you may ask, what exactly is this multiverse concept?

The multiverse concept is the idea that our universe is just one of many other universes. The multiverse is said not to be really a theory but a result of theories. Simply, if we understand reality well enough, a multiverse should exist. Our universe is so vast it's difficult to fully comprehend.

This theory is not especially compelling, so most scientists remain skeptical of the multiverse idea. Multiverse theory suggests that inflation may not occur at the same rate everywhere. Individual universes may "pinch off" other expanding universes, creating an infinite "sea" of inflating universes.

    Take a look at five types of multiverses and how they could actually exist:

1. Bubble Universes  -  Bubble universes are fairly easy to comprehend. In this theory, there could have been other Big Bang events, so far away from us that we can't conceive of the distances involved yet. If we consider our universe to consist of galaxies created by a Big Bang, expanding outward, then eventually this universe might encounter another universe created pretty much the same way. Or, maybe the distances involved are so vast these universes would never interact.

2. Multiverse from Repeating Universes  -  The repeating universe theory of multiverses is based on infinite space-time. If it's infinite, then eventually the arrangement of particles will repeat themselves. In this theory, if you travel far enough, you would encounter another Earth and eventually another "you".

3. Braneworlds of Parallel Universes  -  According to this multiverse theory, the universe we perceive isn't all there is. There are additional dimensions beyond the three spatial dimensions we perceive, plus time. Other three-dimensional "branes" may co-exist in higher-dimension space, thus acting as parallel universes.

4. Daughter Universes  -  Quantum mechanics describe the universe in terms of probabilities. In the quantum world, all possible outcomes of a choice or situation not only can occur but do occur. At every branch point, a new universe is created.

5. Mathematical Universes  -  Mathematics is considered a tool used to describe the parameters of the universe. However, it's possible there could be a different mathematical structure. If so, such a structure could describe a completely different sort of universe.

    The biggest piece of evidence for the multiverse is that life exists, particularly intelligent life capable of making cosmological observations. Certain aspects of our universe seem special and important for supporting life, such as the longevity of stars, the abundance of carbon, the availability of light for photosynthesis and the stability of complex nuclei. But "all these features are typically not the case if you get handed a random universe", said McCullen Sandora to Live Science in an email (Sandora is an affiliate research scientist at he Blue Marble Space Institute of Science). "The multiverse offers one explanation for why all these features are favorable in our universe, which is that other universes exist as well, but we observe this one because it's capable of supporting complex life" Sandora said.

    In other words, so many things had to line up just right in our universe that the existence of life seems improbable. And if there was only one universe, it likely shouldn't have life in it. But in a multiverse, there are enough "chances" for life to appear in at least one universe. But this theory is not especially compelling, as I said, so most scientists remain skeptical of the multiverse idea.

    So, this was it for today's theory, see ya soon!

(if you liked this one, check the other ones, too!)    


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