The "Systems of the universe" ( universe rule, theory)

 Hi, I'm back with another theory, I'll not make you read a whole new "presentation" paragraph, so let's get right into it.

(don't forget, if you like this one, check the other ones, too!)

•  Did you ever think about our life, our family and friend groups in a bigger plan? Like some sort of system, in which every member of a group is like a dot and, to function properly, those dots have to be connected to each other through some sort of line, let's say it has arrows that are directed to one of the dots(that represents the role, and the role is took by the person that has the arrow directed at them ). Let's think of it from the family perspective, let's say. Let's get a smaller one, like the parents and the children. Each one has a role, right? Parents are parents and children are children, parents sustain the children however they can, and children try to make everything alright for the parents, too, not for just them, right? Let's take the father role. If you look in a family without a father you will see that someone from that family "had", directly or indirectly, to take that role, right? The son, the mother, etc. Why is that? If you think about it people don't really get to decide if they want or not to take that role, it kinda "comes to them" without them knowing. It is because, if we think of it about the dots that have to be connected, if one dot dissapears, the line between them also does, and for it to work the line has to form between two other dots from those that are left, and that arrow has to go to one of the dots (maybe in some rare cases it can go two ways and give a little of that role to each of the dots that are connected). Now that you most likely understood what I mean, think of it on any other group. A friends group, in which every member also has a role, the "funny one", etc, and you will see this "rule" is present everywhere.  •

This works in every group you can think of, and it's fascinating that nothing can break this. As right here, on the blog, I call them "theories", I look at them as some rules of the universe, that can't be broken.

Hope you enjoyed today's blog, too and I will see ya tomorrow with another one, have a nice one!


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