Hi, I'm back with another theory. Today we are gonna talk about exactly what the title says, the true power of our minds and about the fact that we can do more than we think, with the right mindset, even "materializing" things we think about.
(if you like this one be sure to check the other blogs, too!)
• So, yes, we can materialize things we are thinking about, those "dreams" we are chasing, which every body tells us to "be real" about, or things such as. Anything we may crave for, "true love", money, etc. Anything we wish for can become real, with the right mindset and some time. Now you may ask, but how can we achieve this "power"? You don't have to "achieve it", you just have to think, regardless of what happens in the future or what people say, that YOU WILL achieve it, YOU WILL have it, but you have to make yourself believe it to the fullest, the lesser the pessimistic moments you have about it, the better. •

• Now, at first, even if I gave you an example, which I kind of have one or two obvious ones(for me at least, because I know what I was thinking and what came out in the end), you might not trust me and the things I say, because let's be real, why would you trust some stranger on the internet about which you may even think is kind of "weird", so instead of just trying to influence and tell you this is real, I will, let's say, ask for a favor. May you, please, try believing in yourself more? Try thinking about the thing you want the most, anything, something you crave for in the future, trust yourself and your "power", because your mind is more powerful than you can even imagine, and this one example of a "power", "theory", "rule", what you want to call it, about what can your mind actually do. You don't have to share it with anyone if you don't want to, if you think you'll be called a "weirdo" or anything like that, but, for you, try it, try believing in yourself more and see your mind's potential and YOUR potential. Yes, the truth is that you have to work for it, too, you can't just stay and wait, but the fact that you will be working for it and the fact that you will have this mindset locked on, will make you think it is, more or less, sure to happen, which will be good, because, trust me, it WILL happen! •
That's it for today's blog!Hope you enjoyed it, and remember, anything, in the grand scheme of things, will be fine, you just have to wait and trust the process!
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