What exactly is Solipsism?

 Hi, today we are back with another blog. No further introduction, let's get right into it and answer the blog title's question.

If you never heard of Solipsism, the content below is for you, hope you enjoy it!

• Solipsism is the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. This definition is important, because the solipsists need not claim that other people don't exist; instead, the solipsist merely claims that it cannot be known if other people exist. •

• At least at present. Perhaps some theory in the future will render solipsism outdated; however, that seems unlikely given that solipsism has been around as long as humans have. •

• Who knows, even you, in my view, might not even truly exist, as you or I can not be sure of anything. We may be in a simulation, in a dream(yours or mine), in a movie, who knows? No one can tell me or you something surely, not a scientist, not a shaman, no one, because they might not even be real. But my point of view regarding this goes something like that: 

    Why would I keep that question in my head, even if it is not something "real", at least I will live as long as I can an fulfil my human self cravings in life. •

    So, this was it for today's blog, a little shorter one, sorry about that! 

(if you liked this one, please check the other ones, too!)    



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