
Showing posts from July, 2022

THE - Moral Development - THEORY

  H i, today we will talk about Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development. Let's get right into it, shall we? Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development constitute an adaptation of a psychological theory originally conceived by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. Kohlberg began work on this topic while a psychology graduate student at the University of Chicago in 1958, and expanded and developed this theory throughout his life.      The theory holds that moral reasoning , the basis for ethical behaviour, has six identifiable developmental stages , each more adequate at responding to moral dilemmas than its predecessor. Kohlberg followed the development of moral judgment for beyond the ages studied earlier by Piaget , who also claimed that logic and morality develop through constructive stages. Expanding on Piaget's work , Kohlberg determined that the process of moral development was principally concerned with justice, and that it continued throughout the knowledge...

Theories of teaching

  Hi, today we are gonna talk about yet another category of theories, this one being the last we are talking about for some time. Today, we are gonna talk about the "Theories of teaching". Let's get right into it and start with the definition, shall we?      Theories about instruction and teaching are responsible for explaining and scientifically substantiate the teaching-learning process.     1. The theory of learning by discovery This theory was developed by Bruner and with it exposes the active role of the learner in the learning process. It promotes that the person is acquiring knowledge itself, so that the final content that is reached is not exposed from the beginning, but is being discovered by the person as it progresses. With this type of learning it aims to overcome the limitations of mechanistic learning, promote stimulation and motivation in students, as well as enhance metacognitive strategies and learn to learn. Bruner's theory is one of cons...

Cognitive Theories

 Hi, today we are gonna talk about yet another category of theories. The ones we will talk today about are the Cognitive Theories . Let's start with the definition, shall we? These theories form part of cognitive psychology, which develops the study of the mental processes involved in knowledge . They are responsible for the study of those processes that individuals use to acquire and organize the information of the environment, through the use of both simple mental processes and higher processes.     1. The theory of information processing The model established by Atkinson and Shiffrin is a theory that explains human memory, dividing it into three different types. These types are: = Sensory memory;                                                          ...

Psychoanalytic Theories

 Hi, today we are gonna talk about another category of theories. As the title already says, today we are talking about the psychoanalytic theories . Let's start with the definition, shall we? This set of psychological theories focus on the study of the unconscious , giving a key importance to the persistence in the subconscious of the repressed impulses. They think that the events lived during childhood are fundamental for the development of the person, as well as that the human behavior and the cognition are determined by irrational units that have their roots in the unconscious.     1. Psychoanalysis This theory emerges in the 19th century by Freud , a neurologist who is considered the father of psychoanalysis . Freud attaches great importance to the unconscious and to the analysis of internal conflicts since he thinks that much of what the person does and thinks is determined by unconscious processes. The term psychoanalysis designates a method of investigation and ana...

Theories of Stimulus-Response Conditioning

  Hi, I'm back and today we are gonna talk about another category of theories, just as we did yesterday! As the title already says, today, we are gonna talk about the theories of stimulus-response conditioning. Let's start with the definition, shall we?      These theories intended that the psychology was considered a science as well as the physics, reason why they had a methodology that focused on those aspects that were observable and testable.      1. The connectionism Thorndike , with this theory, defines learning as the result of the association between stimuli and responses. Associations that will be strengthened or weakened by the nature of the same. The foundation of Thorndike's connectionism was the association between sensory impressions and impulses of action. In addition it affirms that the most characteristic form of association is obtained by means of the trial and error. Its main contribution was the formulation of the law of effect. Th...

Mentalist Theories

       Hi, I'm back and today I want to share with you not one theory, but a whole category of theories, these ones being called "Mentalist Theories". Let's start with the definition, shall we?      Mentalist theories include all those who use ideas and terms such as soul , psyche , mind and mental processes , among others. They also use introspection from the methodological point of view.      1. Philosophical psychology This psychology focuses on the study of intimate nature of the person or life, explaining it through metaphysical principles. The rise of psychology lies in the Greek world and in the origin of formal knowledge. It was part of the philosophy that dealt with the themes of the soul. These origins are embodied in his name; Psyche in Greek means soul and logos, rational knowledge. The authors to emphasize within this part of the psychology would be Plato and Aristotle. Plato considered that people were formed by two opposi...

The Mind/Body Identity Theory

     Hi, in this post we will talk about the Mind/Body Identity Theory . • The identity theory of mind holds that states and processes of the mind are identical to states and processes of the brain. Strictly speaking, it need not hold that the mind is identical to the brain. Idiomatically we do use "she has a good mind" and "She has a good brain" interchangeably but we would hardly say "Her mind weighs fifty kilograms". Here I take identifying mind and brain as being a matter of identifying processes and perhaps states of the mind and brain. Consider an experience of pain, or of seeing something, or of having a mental image. The identity theory of mind is to the effect that these experiences just are brain processes, not merely correlated with brain processes. Some philosophers hold that though experiences are brain processes they nevertheless have fundamentally non-physical, psychical, properties, sometimes called "qualia". Here I shall take the...

How exactly does curved space-time describe the force of gravity?

  Today we will be talking about the Theory of Relativity and how exactly does curved space-time describe the force of gravity. So, basically, Einstein discovered that space and time can't be separated. They are part of the same thing, and gravity is actually produced by bending and warping this "spacetime", like a heavy ball sitting on a sheet of elastic. (for the simpler answer to the title's question look at the bottom of the page)      Classical(or Newtonian) Physics Time can be considered as a dimension, just like distances. In this way, our universe is four dimensional: three for space and one for time. Before Einstein came along, people thought that these dimensions were fixed: anyone who looked at something would measure the same distances, see the same things happening at the same time.     Special Relativity Einstein realised that this is not true. Two events that appear simultaneous to one observer may seem to happen at different times to a diffe...

What exactly is Solipsism?

  Hi, today we are back with another blog. No further introduction, let's get right into it and answer the blog title's question. If you never heard of Solipsism, the content below is for you, hope you enjoy it! • Solipsism is the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. This definition is important, because the solipsists need not claim that other people don't exist; instead, the solipsist merely claims that it cannot be known if other people exist. • • At least at present. Perhaps some theory in the future will render solipsism outdated; however, that seems unlikely given that solipsism has been around as long as humans have. • • Who knows, even you, in my view, might not even truly exist, as you or I can not be sure of anything. We may be in a simulation, in a dream(yours or mine), in a movie, who knows? No one can tell me or you something surely, not a scientist, not a shaman, no one, because they might not even be real. But my point of view r...


  Hi, today we are back with another theory. We will talk about the Big Bang Theory. No further introductions, let's get right into it!   The Big Bang Theory is an explanation, based mostly on mathematical models, on how and when the Universe came into existence. The cosmological model of the Universe described in the Big Bang theory explains how it initially expanded from a state of infinite density and temperature, known as the primordial (or gravitational) singularity. This expansion was followed by cosmic inflation and a massive temperature drop. During this phase, the Universe ballooned at a much faster rate than the speed of light. Subsequently, the Universe was reheated to a point where elementary particles (quarks, leptons, and so on) before a gradual decrease in temperature (and density) led to the formation of the first protons and neutrons. A few minutes into the expansion, protons, and neutrons combine to form primordial hydrogen and helium-4 nuclei. The estimated...

THE MULTIVERSE (explanation, etc.)

  Hi, I'm back and, today, we are gonna talk about a pretty known concept(theory). The concept of the multiverse. No further introduction, let's get right into it!      So, even if you know about it, you may ask, what exactly is this multiverse concept? The multiverse concept is the idea that our universe is just one of many other universes. The multiverse is said not to be really a theory but a result of theories. Simply, if we understand reality well enough, a multiverse should exist. Our universe is so vast it's difficult to fully comprehend. This theory is not especially compelling, so most scientists remain skeptical of the multiverse idea. Multiverse theory suggests that inflation may not occur at the same rate everywhere. Individual universes may "pinch off" other expanding universes, creating an infinite "sea" of inflating universes.      Take a look at five types of multiverses and how they could actually exist: 1. Bubble Universes   -...


Hi, today we are gonna explore another interesting "universe" theory. No further and boring introductions, let's get right into it! • The braneworld is a theory in which the four space-time dimensions of the universe that are apparent make up a surface, called the brane , in a higher-dimensional space-time, called the bulk . One of the appealing features of the brane world is that it can explain why gravity is much weaker than the other forces, with the nongravitational forces being localized to the brane and the gravitational force not limited to the brane. • • In fact, the idea of brane world allows you to consider the possibility of escaping our universe and traveling to a different universe on another brane! • • Ever since the inception of string theory, one of the major conceptual hurdles has been the addition of extra dimensions. With the introduction of all of these new objects, string theorists have begun exploring what they mean. One major step is the introductio...


  Hi, today we are gonna talk about the egg theory, the theory which sustains the whole universe is something similar to an egg. Why you may ask? Let's see: (don't forget if you like this one, check the other ones, too!) • So, this theory consists in the reincarnation of one's self. There is a God which created this universe. You may see this God in any form, most likely depending on your "imagination". It sustains the fact that, after you die, you just "add" that life's experience and memories in yourself, and then you are reborn. The interesting fact is that you can be reborn in a different timeline than the last one, maybe in the future, or maybe even in the past. This past timeline will be important in the explication, so keep it in your mind. For now, let's see, why don't we take the past lives' memories and experiences, you may ask. So, the theory sustains that after you die, if you stay in that void, that place that you go in after...


  Hi, I'm back with another theory. Today we are gonna talk about exactly what the title says, the true power of our minds and about the fact that we can do more than we think, with the right mindset, even "materializing" things we think about. (if you like this one be sure to check the other blogs, too!) •  So, yes, we can materialize things we are thinking about, those "dreams" we are chasing, which every body tells us to "be real" about, or things such as. Anything we may crave for, "true love", money, etc. Anything we wish for can become real, with the right mindset and some time. Now you may ask, but how can we achieve this "power"? You don't have to "achieve it", you just have to think, regardless of what happens in the future or what people say, that YOU WILL achieve it, YOU WILL have it, but you have to make yourself believe it to the fullest, the lesser the pessimistic moments you have about it, the better.  •...

The "Systems of the universe" ( universe rule, theory)

  Hi, I'm back with another theory, I'll not make you read a whole new "presentation" paragraph, so let's get right into it. (don't forget, if you like this one, check the other ones, too!) •  Did you ever think about our life, our family and friend groups in a bigger plan ? Like some sort of system , in which every member of a group is like a dot and, to function properly, those dots have to be connected to each other through some sort of line, let's say it has arrows that are directed to one of the dots(that represents the role, and the role is took by the person that has the arrow directed at them ). Let's think of it from the family perspective, let's say. Let's get a smaller one, like the parents and the children. Each one has a role, right? Parents are parents and children are children, parents sustain the children however they can, and children try to make everything alright for the parents, too, not for just them, right? Let's take ...


 Hi, I'm back and, as I promised, we'll start with the theories today! So, let's get right into it, shall we? Ever heard of a somewhat balance of the universe? If not, let me explain what I mean by it. Didn't you, at some time in life, felt like everything was going great, and then, poof , everything started going down? Eh, this is the thing I want to talk about today, think as hard as you can and you will find relevance in this "theory". I believe there needs to be a balance in everyone's life , and not only at the minimal plan(us people) but also in the major one, in the universe itself . Life can't be always "good", there needs to be something that comes up and makes the "good" things equalize themselves with the "bad" ones, there it is, the universe at its finest, as I call it, you may call it God , anyway, there is something there that, maybe we don't understand "it" , but this "it" knows wh...


 Hi, so, today I decided to get into this blogging stuff and as time goes share with you some theories I believe in, as I call them "universal theories".  First of all, I will present myself. I am a college student who has been in psichology and this stuff for years, as I had problems of my own with some treatment and I kinda learnt a lot from this experiences, as I had them at a pretty young age . I have some important stuff that helped me get through all this, who knows in another blog I might talk more about this, we will see. One say is, all things, good and bad, have some importance in your life, in your "character development", in your "ego development" and such. And the other one I have is "the universe knows", as I believe we have free will, don't get me wrong, but I also believe in the grand scheme of things there are some we cannot avoid, even if we took the "other path" some believe would've been better. And for the f...